ASSL Security Services Jamaica Limited

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Preventing Crime & Injury

Preventing Crime & Injury

In The Home
Statistics show that most home burglaries occur during the day. To protect your home or business from burglary and damage, there are several things you can do.
Keep the burglars out  
Make it harder for a burglar to enter your home by taking some simple actions. Most of the time if the burglar can’t see an easy way in, they won’t try.
  • Make sure that all of your entrance doors are solid and cannot be easily broken into.
  •  Lock your doors and windows and ensure that all locks are of good quality. Make sure that all of your entrance doors are solid and cannot be easily broken into.
  •  Use a piece of dowel or another stopping mechanism to prevent burglars opening sliding doors and windows if they do force open the lock.
  • Keep sliding doors and window rollers in good condition and properly adjusted. For extra safety install an anti-lift device, such as a pin, through the sliding and fixed parts of doors.
  • Place stickers and signs around your home to warn burglars of an alarm system, dog or neighbourhood watch program.
  • Make sure someone walking along an alley can’t see directly into your house. Alleyways canprovide easy, unseen access onto your property that thieves will use if they can see valuables.
Be a good neighbour
By getting to know your neighbours and keeping an eye out, you can help prevent crime in your area and improve the chances of burglars being caught in the act.
  • Get to know your adjacent neighbours. You could even hold a street party!
  • Invite neighbours into your home and establish trust.
  • Watch out for each other’s homes, including collecting a neighbour’s mail when they’re away (only with their permission, of course).
  • If you notice suspicious activity at a neighbouring house, give the owners a call to let them know in case something is wrong.
Improve your lighting  
Good lighting practices in and around your home can make all the difference. A sudden bright light might make a burglar think twice.
  • Use light timers to show a pattern of occupancy. Leaving a light on for the entire time you’re away can be a big hint to burglars. Timers will also reduce your electricity bill and environmental impact.
  • Use motion sensor lights in your backyard and near where you park your car.
  • Keep good lighting along the path to your door. You can also use a timer or motion sensor.
Use alarm systems in the right way  
Having an alarm at your home can help keep you safe by deterring burglars, frightening them off, or
helping to catch them.
  • Make sure there are clear and obvious signs warning burglars of your alarm system. Place them near all common entry points, e.g. front and back doors, the carport and any windows hidden from view from the road. Your alarm system can only deter burglars who know about it.
  • Make sure that your alarm system works. It should be properly installed, programmed and maintained and tested occasionally.
  • Make sure your alarm system is audible. You want the burglar to know it’s only a matter of time until they’re caught.
  • Have your alarm reset after one or two minutes and tell your neighbours it does so. This will stop the alarm from keeping your neighbours awake, unless there’s still someone on your property.
  • Tell your neighbours what to do if an alarm does sound. A good response from them might be to turn on their lights, call the police and watch the street for a few minutes so that they can provide a description of the offender to police.

Personal Safety Is One Of The Most Important Factors When Talking About Preventing Crime And Injury.

In the home

Many people let their guard down about personal safety in the home, with many injuries resulting from
common sense mistakes. Make sure you:

  • Take actions to prevent electrical, chemical and thermal burns. Take action to prevent these incidents before they happen, especially if there are children around the home.
  • Store your chemicals safely. Locks, labels and safe locations help to prevent accidental poisoning
  • and chemical burns.
  • DIY right. DIY projects can be great fun, but they can cause serious injury. Take time to assess the task, and ensure you have the right skills and tools for the job.

Out and about

Keep yourself safe while out and about by following a few simple rules.

  • Never enter a situation where you suspect a crime may be occurring. If you think someone is in or has been in your home, or you see someone in your vehicle, move to a safe place and call 000 in an emergency or 131 444 for non-urgent police matters.
  • Help each other out when you’re out with friends. Having others with you can help to protect you from drink spiking, theft and physical crimes. It’s a good idea to make sure someone knows you’re going out.
  • Be alcohol aware. It can be fun go out and have a few drinks, but remember that even a small amount of alcohol can impair your judgement. Be careful around roads, avoid arguments and take care of your friends.
  • Stick to the beaten path. Criminals are less active where people can see them. When walking during the day or night, stay in well-lit, busy areas.

Having Your Property Stolen Can Leave You Feeling Upset, Intimidated And Out Of Pocket. The Following Tips Will Help You Keep Your Property Safe.

Theft from cars

To reduce the chance of damage to and theft from your vehicle, keep it tidy and remove property from sight. Thieves are less likely to break in if there is nothing to be gained.

Tips to protect your car and your valuables:

  • Lock the vehicle’s doors and close the windows, even if you’re only leaving for a few minutes. s Don’t leave valuables in the car.
  • Keep valuables out of sight. Place your property into the boot before you reach your destination. Thieves have been known to target vehicles after seeing people move valuables into the boot.
  • Take the car stereo’s detachable face with you.
  • Be aware of where you are parking. Always choose a location that is brightly lit and, if possible, park in your yard or carport rather than on the street.
Protecting your property

Here are a few things you can do that will help to protect your property.

  • Mark property as yours. An engraved or written name will discourage thieves. Writing your details using an ultraviolet marker can help catch a thief red-handed.
  • Secure your property before you leave it, especially small, valuable items such as electronics and jewellery. A large proportion of crimes are crimes of opportunity.
  • Keep your property neat, tidy and in its place. This will help you recognise when something has been stolen. The sooner you can notify police that something is missing the more likely it can be tracked down.
  • Don’t leave items lying around that could be useful to burglars. This could include ladders,keys, pliers or other tools.

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