ASSL Security Services Jamaica Limited

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ASSL Whistleblowing (See Something Say Something)

ASSL Whistle Blowing

ASSL through its Code of Conduct requires employees to observe high standards of business and personal ethics in the conduct of their duties and responsibilities. Employees must practice honesty, integrity and loyalty in fulfilling their responsibilities and to comply with all applicable laws and regulations. ASSL encourages whistleblowing as a measure to protect the welfare and well-being of employees, the company and all stakeholders, providing that persons act in good faith, to report any suspected act of misconduct by employees, or risk/threat to ASSL and its stakeholders. This policy ensures the protection of individuals who report activities believed to be illegal, dishonest, unethical, or otherwise improper.


Potential breaches of ASSL’s Code of Ethics and Conduct include:


  • Employee relations and human resources issues, such as harassment, discrimination, or misconduct.;
  • Ethics and compliance issues, such as financial reporting, insider trading, bribers or conflicts of interest;
  • Loss prevention and asset protection issues, such as criminal activity (for example fraud, threats and violence, alcohol/drug abuse or internal theft), the security and protection of assets and facilities or actions involving harm to the environment; and
  • Health and Safety, such as taking unnecessary risks, not following mandatory guidelines or false reporting.
Major Classification Sub-Classification Description

Diversity, Equal Opportunity and Respect in the Workplace


Statements or actions based on age, race, color, national origin, sexual orientation, gender, disability or religion that are the basis for employment, promotion or compensation decisions.

Major Classification Sub-Classification Description
Diversity, Equal Opportunity and Respect in the Workplace

Statements or actions based on age, race, color, national origin, sexual orientation, gender, disability or religion that are the basis for employment, promotion or compensation decisions.

Diversity, Equal Opportunity and Respect in the Workplace

Harassment – Sexual

Statements or actions expressing unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, unsolicited physical contact or propositions, unwelcome flirtations, or offensive verbal or visual expressions or physical conduct of a sexual nature.

Major Classification Sub-Classification Description
Diversity, Equal Opportunity and Respect in the Workplace
Harassment – Sexual

Statements or actions expressing unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, unsolicited physical contact or propositions, unwelcome flirtations, or offensive verbal or visual expressions or physical conduct of a sexual nature.

Diversity, Equal Opportunity and Respect in the Workplace

Harassment – Workplace

Persistent statements, conduct or actions that are uninvited, degrading, offensive, humiliating or intimidating and create an unpleasant or hostile environment.

Major Classification Sub-Classification Description
Diversity, Equal Opportunity and Respect in the Workplace
Harassment – Workplace

Persistent statements, conduct or actions that are uninvited, degrading, offensive, humiliating or intimidating and create an unpleasant or hostile environment.

Diversity, Equal Opportunity and Respect in the Workplace

Retaliation or Retribution

Statements or actions discharging, demoting, suspending, threatening, harassing or discriminating against an employee because of any lawful act taken by such employee in connection with reporting a violation of law or policy, filing a complaint, or assisting with an investigation or proceeding.

Major Classification Sub-Classification Description
Diversity, Equal Opportunity and Respect in the Workplace
Retaliation or Retribution

Statements or actions discharging, demoting, suspending, threatening, harassing or discriminating against an employee because of any lawful act taken by such employee in connection with reporting a violation of law or policy, filing a complaint, or assisting with an investigation or proceeding.

Employee Relations

Conflict of Interest

Any personal interest, any business or professional activity or relationship, prior or current employment, or any obligation that may interfere with the ability to objectively perform job duties and responsibilities or impair independence and objectivity.

Major Classification Sub-Classification Description
Employee Relations
Conflict of Interest

Any personal interest, any business or professional activity or relationship, prior or current employment, or any obligation that may interfere with the ability to objectively perform job duties and responsibilities or impair independence and objectivity.

Employee Relations

Inappropriate Behavior

Statements or actions that are not harassing in nature, but are believed to be unsuitable for the workplace.

Major Classification Sub-Classification Description
Employee Relations
Inappropriate Behavior

Statements or actions that are not harassing in nature, but are believed to be unsuitable for the workplace.

Employee Relations

Unfair Employment Practices

Employment decisions, practices or disciplinary actions that are believed to be unfair regardless of whether they are the result of job performance, changes in business needs or other business related decisions.

Major Classification Sub-Classification Description
Employee Relations
Unfair Employment Practices

Employment decisions, practices or disciplinary actions that are believed to be unfair regardless of whether they are the result of job performance, changes in business needs or other business related decisions.

Environmental, Health and Safety

Environment, Health and Safety

Conduct, actions, policies or practices that either violate local environmental, health or safety laws or regulations or may cause or result in potentially hazardous conditions that impact the environment or the health or safety of employees, customers or others.

Major Classification Sub-Classification Description
Environmental, Health and Safety
Environment, Health and Safety

Conduct, actions, policies or practices that either violate local environmental, health or safety laws or regulations or may cause or result in potentially hazardous conditions that impact the environment or the health or safety of employees, customers or others.

Environmental, Health and Safety

Substance Abuse

The lawful use, possession, sale, conveyance, distribution, concealment, transportation or manufacture or illegal drugs, intoxicants, controlled substances or drug paraphernalia in the workplace or while conducting business.

Major Classification Sub-Classification Description
Environmental, Health and Safety
Substance Abuse

The lawful use, possession, sale, conveyance, distribution, concealment, transportation or manufacture or illegal drugs, intoxicants, controlled substances or drug paraphernalia in the workplace or while conducting business.

Environmental, Health and Safety

Threats and Physical Violence

Statements or actions that threaten acts of violence or the presence of weapons, firearms, ammunition, explosives or incendiary devices in the workplace, on work premises or in work vehicles.

Major Classification Sub-Classification Description
Environmental, Health and Safety
Threats and Physical Violence

Statements or actions that threaten acts of violence or the presence of weapons, firearms, ammunition, explosives or incendiary devices in the workplace, on work premises or in work vehicles.

Financial Concerns

Accounting and Auditing Practices

Statements or actions that violate or conflict with either internal policies, procedures, or practices or government regulations related to the detailed reporting of the financial state or transactions of an organization or the examination, verification, or correction of its financial accounts.

Major Classification Sub-Classification Description
Financial Concerns
Accounting and Auditing Practices

Statements or actions that violate or conflict with either internal policies, procedures, or practices or government regulations related to the detailed reporting of the financial state or transactions of an organization or the examination, verification, or correction of its financial accounts.

Financial Concerns

Conflict of Interest – Financial

Any financial interest, any business or professional activity, prior or current employment, or any obligation that may interfere with the ability to objectively perform job duties and responsibilities or impair independence and objectivity.

Major Classification Sub-Classification Description
Financial Concerns
Conflict of Interest – Financial

Any financial interest, any business or professional activity, prior or current employment, or any obligation that may interfere with the ability to objectively perform job duties and responsibilities or impair independence and objectivity.

Financial Concerns

Gifts, bribers and Kickbacks

Payments, payments in kind, gifts, bribers, extensions or credit or benefits extended to or received by customers, employees, suppliers, vendors, competitors, directors, officers, auditors, government employees, government officials or agencies, or other parties that are unlawful, improper, or designed to influence business decisions or political processes.

Major Classification Sub-Classification Description
Financial Concerns
Gifts, bribers and Kickbacks

Payments, payments in kind, gifts, bribers, extensions or credit or benefits extended to or received by customers, employees, suppliers, vendors, competitors, directors, officers, auditors, government employees, government officials or agencies, or other parties that are unlawful, improper, or designed to influence business decisions or political processes.

Financial Concerns

Trading on Inside Information

The purchase or sale of stock or other securities based on non-public and material information obtained during the course of employment or providing such information to another person who purchases or sells stock or other securities based upon that information.

Major Classification Sub-Classification Description
Financial Concerns
Trading on Inside Information

The purchase or sale of stock or other securities based on non-public and material information obtained during the course of employment or providing such information to another person who purchases or sells stock or other securities based upon that information.

Misuse or Misappropriation of Assets

Customer Relations

Statements or actions that are negatively impacting or interfering with customers, customer relationships or customer agreements.

Major Classification Sub-Classification Description
Misuse or Misappropriation of Assets
Customer Relations

Statements or actions that are negatively impacting or interfering with customers, customer relationships or customer agreements.

Misuse or Misappropriation of Assets

Disclosure of Confidential Information

The unauthorized or illegal disclosure, copying, duplication, misuse or release or confidential or personal data including but not limited to employment, financial medical and health, customer lists, contracts, business plans, personnel records or other property marked or generally regarded as confidential or trade secrets.

Major Classification Sub-Classification Description
Misuse or Misappropriation of Assets
Disclosure of Confidential Information

The unauthorized or illegal disclosure, copying, duplication, misuse or release or confidential or personal data including but not limited to employment, financial medical and health, customer lists, contracts, business plans, personnel records or other property marked or generally regarded as confidential or trade secrets.

Misuse or Misappropriation of Assets

Misuse of Resources

The improper, unauthorized or unlicensed use of property or resources for non-business related reasons or purposes including improper use of systems and timekeeping.

Major Classification Sub-Classification Description
Misuse or Misappropriation of Assets
Misuse of Resources

The improper, unauthorized or unlicensed use of property or resources for non-business related reasons or purposes including improper use of systems and timekeeping.

Misuse or Misappropriation of Assets


The unauthorized removal or taking or supplies, equipment, furniture, fixtures, products, cash, merchandise or other tangible property.

Major Classification Sub-Classification Description
Misuse or Misappropriation of Assets

The unauthorized removal or taking or supplies, equipment, furniture, fixtures, products, cash, merchandise or other tangible property.


Guidance Request

Statements actions or policies that concern the caller but are not currently resulting in harm, injury or corporate liability and cannot be included in any other category.

Major Classification Sub-Classification Description
Guidance Request

Statements actions or policies that concern the caller but are not currently resulting in harm, injury or corporate liability and cannot be included in any other category.

Policy and Process Integrity

Antitrust or Fair Trading

Discussions or agreements with competitors about prices or credit terms, submission of bids or offers, allocation of markets or customers, restrictions on production, distribution or boycotts or suppliers or customers that would result in monopolization or anti-competitive markets.

Major Classification Sub-Classification Description
Policy and Process Integrity
Antitrust or Fair Trading

Discussions or agreements with competitors about prices or credit terms, submission of bids or offers, allocation of markets or customers, restrictions on production, distribution or boycotts or suppliers or customers that would result in monopolization or anti-competitive markets.

Policy and Process Integrity

Espionage or Sabotage

Actions that result in the gathering, receipt or acceptance or non-public confidential information or trade secrets about competitors to gain a competitive advantage or the deliberate destruction, disruption or damage to a competitor's equipment or property for competitive advantage or gain.

Major Classification Sub-Classification Description
Policy and Process Integrity
Espionage or Sabotage

Actions that result in the gathering, receipt or acceptance or non-public confidential information or trade secrets about competitors to gain a competitive advantage or the deliberate destruction, disruption or damage to a competitor's equipment or property for competitive advantage or gain.

Policy and Process Integrity

Falsification or Destruction of Information

Statements or actions that encourage or result in unlawful, untimely, false or intentional misrepresentation, concealment or destruction of information in order to deceive or mislead.

Major Classification Sub-Classification Description
Policy and Process Integrity
Falsification or Destruction of Information

Statements or actions that encourage or result in unlawful, untimely, false or intentional misrepresentation, concealment or destruction of information in order to deceive or mislead.

Policy and Process Integrity

Quality Control

Complaints about product or service quality or effectiveness; allegations of product tampering; violation of policies and practices for manufacturing controls; allegations of non-compliance with product standards or service delivery.

Major Classification Sub-Classification Description
Policy and Process Integrity
Quality Control

Complaints about product or service quality or effectiveness; allegations of product tampering; violation of policies and practices for manufacturing controls; allegations of non-compliance with product standards or service delivery.

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