ASSL Security Services Jamaica Limited

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Detainee Escort Service

Detainee Escort Service

Detainee Escort Service

Through its Detainee Escort service, Amalgamated Security Services Limited (ASSL) has been involved in the safekeeping of persons who have been denied entry to Trinidad and Tobago by the immigration authorities and who must be detained by the carrier (airline or shipping line) until they can be returned to their place of origin over the course of the company’s existence. When an airline or shipping line requests this service, Amalgamated Security Services is hired by the airline or shipping line to hold the individual(s) at a specified area until an agent can make arrangements for the individual’s return.


For its part, Amalgamated Security Services is responsible for ensuring that the individual is maintained at the specified location for an extended period of time, is fed adequately, and has been handed to the agent in charge of repatriation.


ASSL would have to deal with a wide range of persons in the course of delivering this service; some may be medically unsuitable, while others may be violent or flight risk, and as a result, they would be need to be confined. The ASSL Prisoner Escort service has never had a person escape from its custody, nor has it ever had a detainee be harmed while in its care.

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