ASSL Security Services Jamaica Limited

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Service Differentiation

Service Differentiation

We have observed that some individuals think that security services are a commodity, all installations of electronic security products are the same and the only difference is the price. All services however are not the same and there are differences other than price.

In order to have an alarm installed you have to allow a technician access to your premises and very often that technician has unescorted access to the entire property. At Amalgamated, unlike other companies, a differentiating factor is that we conduct Background checks of our staff to ensure that they are trustworthy to not only allow onto your property but also to know the details of your protection.


Our electronic security division has been operating for over twenty (20) years and the Experience gained over those years is passed down to our sales representatives and technicians. That experience has also enabled us to determine which equipment is best suited for each situation.

Some companies attempt to achieve a low price by using cheap products. At ASSL, however, we utilize Quality components from internationally recognized suppliers to ensure that your electronic security system gives you the maximum useful life with the minimum of repair. Not only do we say that our systems will last but we back that statement up with a written Warranty. In the event that your system does at some future point require repair, unlike other companies who will have to take someone from an installation job, we have dedicated Service Support staff & a Workshop facility to handle repair calls.

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